Publications Dr. Marietta Kind Furger, president

Marietta Kind Furger has a PhD in Social Anthropology and since 1990 has lived and researched in Dolpo, in northwestern Nepal. Her research was mainly concerned with the local culture and Bon tradition in Dolpo. She published several books and articles on the topic. In the course of her fieldwork the idea for Tapriza School began to evolve in various conversations with the local people in 1996. Together with Geshe Yungdrung Wangyal and Semduk Lama they founded Tapriza School in 1997 and ever since developed it further in Phoksumdo, Dolpo. Marietta Kind founded The Swiss Tapriza NGO that she has presided ever since. In Switzerland she worked on the topic of the second generation of Tibetans in Switzerland and their relation to Buddhism.

Marietta Kind. 2015. Der Kristallberg im Drachengebrüll - Pilgerreise um einen heiligen Berg in Nepal. Die Alpen. 2015/2: S.35-43.
For the people in Dolpo it is the holiest mountain in the area: the cristall mountain of Shey. In the Tibetan years of the dragon thousands circumambulate that sacred mountain both Buddhists and followers of Bon-religion. The article provides a description of the pilgrimage and trek passing through Phoksumdo to Shey. The article is available in German, French and Italian from the Swiss alpine magazine "Die Alpen" for download.

Marietta Kind. 2015. Das braune Goldrausch - Schatzgräberstimmung in Dolpo. Die Alpen. 2015/2: S44-45.
In China it is known as the «Viagra of the Himalaya»: This rare mushroom Yartsa Gunbu attracts yearly thousands of fortune seekers to Dolpo. Violence and criminalty following close behind.   The article is available in German, French and Italian from the Swiss alpine magazine "Die Alpen" for download.

Jens Schlieter, Marietta Kind und Tina Lauer (Hrsg.). 2014. Die zweite Generation der Tibeter in der Schweiz: Identitätsaushandlungen und Formen buddhistischer Religiosität. Zürich: Seismo Verlag.

Schon vor über fünfzig Jahren kamen die ersten tibetischen Migrantinnen und Migranten in die Schweiz. Einige Studien widmeten sich dem Prozess, wie diese erste Generation ihre kulturellen und religiösen Traditionen fortfu¨hrte und sich zugleich den Erwartungen und Bedingungen der Aufnahmegesellschaft anpasste. Die vor liegende Studie schliesst daran nun mit der aktuellen Frage an, wie die zweite Generation der Tibeterinnen und Tibeter in der Schweiz ihre tibetische Herkunft wie auch ihren Bezug zum Buddhismus auffasst und gestaltet. Wie verändert sich die individuelle Religiosität bei den Tibetern in der Schweiz angesichts des Generationen wechsels und der umgreifenden gesellschaftlichen Veränderungs prozesse, namentlich der religiösen Pluralisierung, der Individualisierung und der wieder erstarkenden religiösen Identitätspolitik im Zeitalter der Globalisierung?

Prof. Dr. Jens Schlieter ist ausserordentlicher Professor für systematische Religionswissenschaft am Institut fu¨r Religionswissenschaft in Bern. Gemeinsam mit den wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen Marietta Kind und Tina Lauer setzte er das Forschungsprojekt zur zweiten Generation der Tibeter in der Schweiz und ihrem Bezug zum Buddhismus im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms NFP 58 an der Universität Bern um.

Die Ethnologin Dr. Marietta Kind arbeitete am Institut für Religionswissenschaft der Universität Bern und am Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Dozentin mit dem regionalen Schwerpunktgebiet Tibet und Himalaya. Mit dem von ihr gegründeten Tapriza Verein unterstützt sie eine Schule in Dolpo und setzt sich für den Erhalt der tibetischen Kultur ein.

Dr. Tina Lauer promovierte im Rahmen des erweiterten Forschungsprojektes mit ihrer Arbeit über die Lebenswelten von Tibeterinnen und Tibetern der zweiten Generation in Indien und der Schweiz. Die ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Dozentin am Institut für Religionswissenschaft in Bern arbeitet heute als Kulturmanagerin und Kulturberaterin in Köln.


Marietta Kind. 2012. The Bon Landscape of Dolpo: Pilgrimages, Monasteries, Biographies and the Emergence of Bon. Bern Peter Lang Verlag.
The reader is taken on a journey to Dolpo, one of Nepal’s remotest
Tibetan enclaves with a large community that follow the Bon religion.
The present ethnography regards the landscape of Dolpo as
the temporary result of an ongoing cumulative cultural process that
emerges from the interaction of the natural environment and the
communities that inhabit it and endow it with meaning. Pilgrimage
provides the key to structuring the book, which is based on anthropological
research and the study of the textual legacy. Along the
extensive and richly illustrated Bon pilgrimages through Dolpo, the
various strands of the written and the oral, the local and the general,
the past and present are unrolled step by step and woven into a
pattern that provides a first insight into the partial shift from a landscape
inhabited by territorial deities to a Bon landscape. In addition,
it presents an overview of the main protagonists who discovered the
sacred sites, opened pilgrimages, founded monasteries and disseminated
the crucial Bon teachings. A number of well-known
Tibetan figures emerge among these players thanks to translations
of biographies that have survived in rare and unpublished manuscripts.
This book sheds light on how Bon religion emerged in Dolpo
and has remained alive.

The anthropologist Marietta Kind gained her PhD at the Universities of
Zurich and Oxford. She has worked as a lecturer and research fellow at
the Ethnographic Museum of Zurich University. With her Tapriza NGO she
supports a school in Dolpo and the cultural heritage of this region. Her
latest research project at Bern University is concerned with second generation
Tibetans in Switzerland and their relation to Buddhism.

Bookreview by Alex McKay in Asian Ethnology

Marietta Kind. 2002. Mendrub – A Bonpo Ritual for the Benefit for all Living Beings and the Empowerment of Medicine Performed in Tsho, Dolpo. Kathmandu: WWF Nepal. This book takes us to an ancient enclave of Tibetan culture in Nepal - the region of Dolpo in the north-west. After outlining the key geographical, historical and religious features of the region, one exemplary case among the various ritual practices of the local Bon society is placed under closer scrutinity: The Mendrub ritual. The ceremony centres on a communal blessing bestowed by means of medicinal pills that have undergone ceremonial treatment during the ten days of the ritual. The benefits that can be gained by attending the ceremony and by consuming the consecrated medicine attract a large audience from all over Dolpo. Mask dances lead up to the climax of the initiation and blessing, which is followed by the social part of the festival with songs and village dances around the fire.

The study of Mendrub ritual reveals a fascinating interplay of religious practices, ranging from popular beliefs to monastic traditions in the Bon community of Dolpo. Furthermore, this account not only describes the ritual itself, it also gives a clear insight into the daily life of the local society.

The new second edition is available at Vajra Books. (

MARIETTA KIND further articles on Dolpo:
'Jag 'dul: A Bon Mountain Pilgrimage in Dolpo, Nepal. 2007. AMY HELLER &
GIACOMELLA OROFINO (EDS.): Discoveries in Western Tibet and the Western
Himalayas: Essays on History, Literature, Archaeology and Art.
Tibetan Studies:
Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan
Studies, Oxford, 2003: 199–214. Leiden: Brill.

Die Entführung der Berggöttin: Beseelte Landschaft, Heirat und Identität in Phoksumdo, Dolpo. 2003. Nepal Information, Nr. 91: 33–36.

The Abduction of the Divine Bride: Territory and Identity among the Bonpo Community in Phoksumdo, Dolpo. 2002. KATIA BUFFETRILLE & HILDEGARD
DIEMBERGER (EDS.): Territory and Identity in Tibet and the Himalayas, 271–
288, 346–347. Leiden: Brill.

Bonpo Monasteries and Temples of the Himalayan Region. 2003. SAMTEN G.
KARMAY & YASUHIKO NAGANO (EDS.): A Survey of Bonpo Monasteries and
Temples in Tibet and the Himalaya,
669–752. Osaka: National Museum of

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