Support the former Tapriza students

In 2009 the first students graduated from the Tapriza School after completing Class 10. With your contribution to the scholarship fund we ensure that our students can continue their education up to Class 12 or join a vocational training program. As far as the financial means of the Tapriza NGO suffice, all graduates are supported with a contribution (according to the respective school fees) until Class 12. 

If you are interested in supporting our former students in their further studies or professional training after they have completed Class 12, we are happy to establish contact with the respective scholarship students. 

PLEASE NOTE SCHOLARSHIP on the transaction slip

Our account at Credit Suisse
Tapriza NGO - CS-Credit Suisse:
CHF Account No. 298535-90
IBAN CH18 0483 5029 8535 9000 0
Bank Clearing No: 4835, BIC/SWIFT: CRESCHZZ80A

Our account at the Swiss post office – Postfinance
Tapriza NGO – Schweizerische Postfinance: 
Account No. 87-522110-0 
IBAN: CH30 0900 0000 8752 2110 0

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