Every contribution is a valuable support!
You decide on the amount of the donation.
A donation does not include a membership in our NGO. If you want to participate by vote, please become a member.
Tapriza NGO is officially registered as a non-profit, all donations are tax-exempt.
Our account with Credit Suisse
Tapriza Verein - CS-Credit Suisse:
CHF acc. no. 298535-90
IBAN CH18 0483 5029 8535 9000 0
Bank Clearing no: 4835, BIC/SWIFT: CRESCHZZ80A
Our account with Swiss Post – Postfinance
Tapriza Verein – Swiss Postfinance:
Account no. 87-522110-0
IBAN: CH30 0900 0000 8752 2110 0
Our account with Credit Suisse for HEALTH PROJECTS
Tapriza - Gesundheitsprojekte (Health Projects)
Account no. 0860-298535-91
IBAN: CH81 0483 5029 8535 9100 0