
Health projects: health posts, education and Tibetan medicine (20/05/2016)

The Tapriza NGO supported the health post in Chunuwar with medicine and equipment. We financed a nurse who is in charge of the health posts in Phoksumdo. Additionally, we supported five students in the health sector with scholarships. Three of the students are in their final year.

Besides a successful dental camp (see Newsletter 2015) the local NGO Tashi-D organised the visit of the renowned Tibetan doctor Namsay Lama with our support. The doctor is originally from Pugmo and today teaches and practices at the Triten Norbutse Bon monastery in Kathmandu. Namsay Lama travelled from Suligad – over Renchi, Pugmo, Chunuwar, Rigmo and Rikhe – to Dunai and treated over 200 people. He mainly diagnosed high blood pressure, lung diseases and gastro-intestinal diseases. The many treatments he performed make clear that impartial of religion the local population have deep trust in the Tibetan medicine. The demand for further visits of renowned Tibetan doctors is large, while at the same time the support of local experts in Tibetan medicine is necessary.

You will find more news about the Tapriza School in our annual report. [AR_2015_en]
