
Cultural heritage: Prayer wheel in Pugmo and monasteries (20/05/2016)

2015 we supported the murals in the renovated prayer wheel house in Pugmo as well as equipped some monasteries with plastic sheets to seal the roofs.

The prayer wheel in Pugmo was build by Gekho¨ Rinchen Gyaltsen in 1978. The communities Ringmo, Rikhe, Renchi and Saldang in Upper Dolpo contributed to the construction with donations. In 2012 the renovation began by request of the local population with the financial help of the Peter Werth Foundation. The Tapriza NGO also contributed to the completion of the prayer wheel house in 2015. Artists from Mustang and Humla painted the inner walls with five protective deities: Lama Tsopa in the background, Yidam Namsum on the right,Matri und Datsok Rinchen Dolma on the left and Gyaltsen Tashi in the forefront.

Further, the Tapriza NGO supported the Yungdrung Droduling Gompa in Hurikot just as in the previous years. Additionally, we sponsored the Sipchok Gompa in Do-Tarap and the Samling Gompa close to Bijer with plastic sheets. Sadly, we just received the news that the former burnt down in spring 2016. We plan to support the reconstruction.

You will find more news about the Tapriza School in our annual report. [AR_2015_en]
