
From the School (05/02/2015)

We are proud of our students. Anew the Tapriza School acquired the top position among the 13 secondary schools in Dolpo in the national final exams.

On this occasion we would also like to thank our highly reliable and loyal team of teachers. With verve and dedication, every year they achieve great results despite the simple conditions at the school. The Tapriza School has grown considerably in the past years and the classes of the final year are becoming larger. At present there are 13 students learning for the school leaving exams in the winter school in Kathmandu. Teachers in Kathmandu help the students and trim their abilities to fit the urban school system. The teachers explain the curriculum with more modern methods and assist the students in catching up on the content missed during the winter months.

With a few exceptions the teachers at our school are not from the region. Despite this, they live in remote Dolpo for nine months, far away from their families. Increasingly, they want to participate in teachers’ trainings.Therefore, in the winter additional advanced education courses are planned in Kathmandu so that they can acquire knowledge on new didactical methods, teaching aids, and mediums. In the mean time the usage of new mediums such as computers is increasingly possible at the school, because electricity is available. Computers are especially required in the senior secondary level so that the children are optimally prepared for life in present-day Nepal and for a possible continuance of their education.

It is extremely difficult to get teachers with higher degrees for the senior secondary level and even harder to keep them at the school for a longer time period. After teaching for a short time some are lured away from other schools, which are either located closer to their homes or can pay them higher salaries. For these well-educated teachers the work at the Tapriza School is a stepping-stone for their further career. To make the working place more attractive and keep the teachers committed for longer, we try to adjust the salaries of the private teachers to the ones of the Nepali government.

