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A trip to the school (26/02/2017)
What are the former students of the Tapriza School doing today? With this and many other questions in their mind our vice-president Franziska Do¨rig and her niece Lou Do¨- rig travelled to the Tapriza School in autumn 2016. Marietta, Urs and Lili Furger-Kind accompanied them. Lou recorded several interviews at the Tapriza School for her matriculation project at the senior secondary school in the Swiss canton St.Gallen. The focus of the visit and particularly of Lou’s film camera was set on the experiences of the former Tapriza students. The question why so many students and their parents advocate for an education in Dolpo was of particular interest. Lou Do¨rig will present the answers in her exciting film at this year’s general assembly.
In the current newsletter Franziska Dörig conveys her impressions of the travel to Dolpo. She describes encounters with former students and teachers. It is an impressive account on education, hopes, dreams and school life.
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