
Our first Tapriza graduates today (20/05/2016)

The Tapriza School has grown in the recent years – and with it the students. The first class to graduate is going its own way, but the students still keep contact with their previous school and the Tapriza NGO.

As an example, Nyima Gyaltsen Lama was employed in the Tapriza office in Kathmandu. He is married to his former classmate Sangmu Rokaya Baijee.Both just turned proud parents to a daughter. Since spring Nyima Gyaltsen is working in the school in Lubra in the Kali Gandaki valley.

Pasang Dolma works as a nurse in Dolpo – financed by the Tapriza NGO. She is married to Khamsum Lama, also a student of the same class. Khamsum repeatedly helped out at the Tapriza School and currently teaches in Mukot, a valley south east of Phoksumdo. The couple also just had a baby recently. Pasang Dolma has returned back to her work as a nurse after her maternity leave. Hopefully both former students who are now gaining the necessary professional experience, will in future also teach at the Tapriza School. We would definitely be happy about talented young teachers from our own midst!

You will find more news about the Tapriza School in our annual report. [AR_2015_en]
